sunNaction: DSC_0001
sunNaction: Chris with the Smart Board
sunNaction: Jane at the Cisco Stand
sunNaction: DSC_0004
sunNaction: Liechtenstien Competitor DSC_0005
sunNaction: Skill 39 area DSC_0006
sunNaction: USA Competitor DSC_0007
sunNaction: Singapore's mascot DSC_0008
sunNaction: Canadain Competitor DSC_0009
sunNaction: Canadain Competitor DSC_0010
sunNaction: British and German setup Team DSC_0011
sunNaction: DSC_0012
sunNaction: DSC_0013
sunNaction: Have a Go DSC_0014
sunNaction: Have a Go DSC_0015
sunNaction: Have a Go DSC_0016
sunNaction: Have a Go DSC_0017
sunNaction: Have a Go site DSC_0018
sunNaction: Press covering Skill 39 DSC_0019
sunNaction: Smart board crowd DSC_0020
sunNaction: The Cisco both DSC_0021
sunNaction: IMG_2791
sunNaction: IMG_2792
sunNaction: IMG_2793
sunNaction: IMG_2796
sunNaction: IMG_2798
sunNaction: Anita enjoying the Gardening area.
sunNaction: IMG_2802
sunNaction: IMG_2803
sunNaction: IMG_2804