sunlightfoundation: Stephen Colbert by the FEC
sunlightfoundation: Stephen Colbert by the FEC
sunlightfoundation: Transbearancy at the Stephen Colbert SuperPAC filing
sunlightfoundation: Stephen arrives at the FEC to file papers for his SuperPAC
sunlightfoundation: Transbearancy at the Stephen Colbert SuperPAC filing
sunlightfoundation: Sunlight Teams Preps
sunlightfoundation: Patrick as Panda #2
sunlightfoundation: Patrick as Panda #1
sunlightfoundation: Gab with Sign
sunlightfoundation: Sunlight Team waits for Colbert
sunlightfoundation: Panda Promotes Transparency
sunlightfoundation: Sunlighters spread the transparency mission
sunlightfoundation: Panda Holding Sign
sunlightfoundation: Colbert Fan wears Sunlight Bear Mask
sunlightfoundation: Sunlights Chat with Crowd
sunlightfoundation: FEC Headquarters
sunlightfoundation: Sunlighters chat before Colbert Arrives
sunlightfoundation: Colbert emerges from SUV
sunlightfoundation: Colbert enters FEC Headquarters
sunlightfoundation: Colbert Holding Money Aloft
sunlightfoundation: Colbert Kisses Money
sunlightfoundation: Colbert Schmoozes with Crowd
sunlightfoundation: Laurenellen Promoting Disclosure
sunlightfoundation: Patrick Keeps the Dream Alive