Cactus Ray's Photos: Camassia quamash subsp. breviflora "camas"
Cactus Ray's Photos: My greenhouse in winter 2020.
Cactus Ray's Photos: Ariocarpus fissuratus
Cactus Ray's Photos: Crassula mesmebryanthemopsis
donmic64: 20230516_184453
blue33hibiscus: More Food, Dad!!!
Cactus Ray's Photos: Echinocereus viridiflorus var. cylindricus
Cactus Ray's Photos: Schick Echinopis hybrid "Lemon Pie"
Cactus Ray's Photos: Schick Echinopsis hybrid "Firelight"
M.P.N.texan: Spot
M.P.N.texan: Cutleaf Groundsel
M.P.N.texan: Sweet William
M.P.N.texan: Golden-Fronted Woodpecker
M.P.N.texan: Texan Crescent
Cactus Ray's Photos: Schick Echinopis hybrid "Lemon Pie"
Cactus Ray's Photos: Thelocactus bicolor "Glory of Texas"
Cactus Ray's Photos: Echinopsis hybrid "Nocturne" X Trichocereus hybrid "Volcanic Sunset"
Nancy in SLAZ: Echinopsis For Norma in October
Nancy in SLAZ: Pygmaeocereus bieblii
Nancy in SLAZ: Echinopsis ‘Los Angeles’
Nancy in SLAZ: Gymnocalycium leeanum
Nancy in SLAZ: Parodia magnifica
Nancy in SLAZ: Echinopsis Peach Flowered Hybrid
Nancy in SLAZ: No rain in Phoenix but it has been pouring up in Pine for days! So needed for the big forest trees!
marialindgrenfilipstad: IMG_20210902_114546
Nancy in SLAZ: Echinopsis huascha
Nancy in SLAZ: Mammillaria thornberi (AZ native)
Nancy in SLAZ: Lobivia (Bolivian Day Flower)
Nancy in SLAZ: Mammillaria mazatlanense
Nancy in SLAZ: Echinopsis ‘First Light’