宋胖 / Steve: IMG_7909
宋胖 / Steve: 右邊小女孩的眼睛是藍色的
宋胖 / Steve: 從小就戴隱形眼鏡不太好喔
宋胖 / Steve: Hey Sam, are you looking at me?
宋胖 / Steve: 兩個月前他們才在同樣地方結婚,and they're still together XD
宋胖 / Steve: 飛利浦
宋胖 / Steve: 榮譽女僕(maid of honor)
宋胖 / Steve: 老千要入場了
宋胖 / Steve: 老千和她爸
宋胖 / Steve: 一吻定江山
宋胖 / Steve: The newly wed
宋胖 / Steve: New couple on the run
宋胖 / Steve: IMG_7935
宋胖 / Steve: 兩個大頭和條紋西裝
宋胖 / Steve: 老同學
宋胖 / Steve: I know what you did last summer!... You got married Orz