Danny Chou: 你在看我嗎?
Danny Chou: the sight of nephew's back
Danny Chou: 專注
Danny Chou: 專注
Danny Chou: what happened?
Danny Chou: sweet memory
Danny Chou: 妳是我眼中最美的風景
Danny Chou: appear
Danny Chou: 深思
Danny Chou: 攝影的開始
Danny Chou: 殺氣
Danny Chou: 奇妙的手勢
Danny Chou: 看的出神
Danny Chou: let me think
Danny Chou: 眼神流露一種特殊的"滄桑感"
Danny Chou: I'm so happy!
Danny Chou: what's that?
Danny Chou: you can't find me
Danny Chou: UNCANNY
Danny Chou: 香蕉王子
Danny Chou: 你叫我嗎?
Danny Chou: 真的要我彈鋼琴嗎?