Danny Chou: put out a fire
Danny Chou: purple diamond
Danny Chou: burn after reading
Danny Chou: afternoon's sunshine
Danny Chou: the national flag of ROC in the cross
Danny Chou: 等人
Danny Chou: 賀詞
Danny Chou: glimmering
Danny Chou: sexy baby
Danny Chou: 星芒連起
Danny Chou: 睜眼的靛藍
Danny Chou: weekend life
Danny Chou: 往右
Danny Chou: green light
Danny Chou: De Beers
Danny Chou: hello, Mr. Bond
Danny Chou: storm of light
Danny Chou: who is that car's owner
Danny Chou: microphone
Danny Chou: happy new year
Danny Chou: phantom
Danny Chou: what can I do for you?
Danny Chou: Consumer Voucher of Taiwan