sunflowerluv: ¿jealousy yellow?
sunflowerluv: waves of memories come back
sunflowerluv: ¿the next big thing?
sunflowerluv: nada malo ni bueno
sunflowerluv: ahora quien?
sunflowerluv: my world is addictive
sunflowerluv: are you serious?
sunflowerluv: decisions
sunflowerluv: con todo el pensamiento
sunflowerluv: diving
sunflowerluv: te hago todo y nada es suficiente
sunflowerluv: one morning...
sunflowerluv: yo te doy mi vida
sunflowerluv: why not?
sunflowerluv: hug me ...
sunflowerluv: jealousy
sunflowerluv: don't lie
sunflowerluv: even if...
sunflowerluv: mil emociones
sunflowerluv: me alone...
sunflowerluv: the outside world......
sunflowerluv: the rose you gave me..