Doug Sundseth: 2010-06-16_Pelicans_DSC_1135
Doug Sundseth: 2010-06-24_Drake_and_Turtle_DSC_1033
Doug Sundseth: 2010-08-13_Heron_Josh's_Pond_DSC_2005
Doug Sundseth: 2010-05-21_Family_of_Geese_DSC_0725
Doug Sundseth: Red-Tail Hawk
Doug Sundseth: 2010-09-20_Hawk_HD_Balcony_DSC_2522
Doug Sundseth: 2010-11-15_Bodyguards_DSC_3140
Doug Sundseth: 2010-06-16_Flying_Pelican_DSC_1137
Doug Sundseth: 2010-06-03_Red-Winged_Blackbird_DSC_0997
Doug Sundseth: Canada Goose in January 1
Doug Sundseth: American Wigeons
Doug Sundseth: Geese on a Frozen Josh's Pond
Doug Sundseth: Josh's Pond in Winter
Doug Sundseth: Pelican 2
Doug Sundseth: Blackbirds in the Snow
Doug Sundseth: Blackbird and Cattails
Doug Sundseth: Canada Geese in Flight
Doug Sundseth: Great Blue Heron in Spring
Doug Sundseth: Western Meadowlark
Doug Sundseth: Hoppin' Robin
Doug Sundseth: Northern Flicker
Doug Sundseth: Serene Mallard
Doug Sundseth: Mallard Drake in Spring
Doug Sundseth: Battle of Josh's Pond
Doug Sundseth: Chivvying
Doug Sundseth: Yellow-Headed Blackbird
Doug Sundseth: Red-Shafted Northern Flicker
Doug Sundseth: Family Outing
Doug Sundseth: Curious Goslings