sundieptehara: Where am I? (On a plane to Vancouver!)
sundieptehara: Bienvenue au Canada! (we tried to take a picture at customs but they wouldn't let us)
sundieptehara: Hanging with uncle Bhav
sundieptehara: Auntie Kanwal and Uncle Ricky
sundieptehara: Raj looks like Grandpa Tehara in this picture - back when Grandpa Tehara had hair
sundieptehara: Merry Christmas - let's open gifts!
sundieptehara: What's in the box?
sundieptehara: At least mommy is excited....
sundieptehara: A toy for me!
sundieptehara: Dog puppet!
sundieptehara: Raj is really unaffected by the dog puppet
sundieptehara: But he quite liked the book Grandma Tehara got him
sundieptehara: Next, I will put you guys in my mouth....
sundieptehara: Meeting cousin Inderpaul
sundieptehara: Uncle Kabal
sundieptehara: Uncle Kabal
sundieptehara: Raj at his first Christmas dinner
sundieptehara: He was the centre of attention!
sundieptehara: Auntie Jas
sundieptehara: The Tehara men
sundieptehara: I want a new toy!
sundieptehara: Oh, what's this? A cow?
sundieptehara: Listen cow, you will entertain me or I will pull you non-stop
sundieptehara: Raj was fascinated by the stockings - anytime he cried, we would take him to look at them and he would quiet down
sundieptehara: Shouldn't this say "mum"?
sundieptehara: Big boy wearing his first pair of jeans!
sundieptehara: Very suspicious of Sophie the Giraffe
sundieptehara: Chilling with dad
sundieptehara: Last family picture of 2009!
sundieptehara: Raj gets a drink at midnight on New Year's as well