sunday driver: DSC_3562
sunday driver: DSC_3577
sunday driver: DSC_3580
sunday driver: DSC_3582
sunday driver: Mrs. Doris Ho and Mrs. Stella Lau
sunday driver: DSC_3604
sunday driver: DSC_3673
sunday driver: DSC_3686
sunday driver: DSC_3694
sunday driver: DSC_3701
sunday driver: DSC_3705
sunday driver: Foundation Stone Ceremony at the school site
sunday driver: commemorative trowel
sunday driver: Stone Laying Ceremony - the commemorative trowel
sunday driver: Foundation Stone Ceremony - the orchestra with their hard hats at the school site
sunday driver: 22 April 2010 - DGS 1 Jordan Road Foundation Stone ceremony - Primary school kids with the foundation stone
sunday driver: DSC_3638
sunday driver: DSC_3644
sunday driver: DSC_3645
sunday driver: DSC_3583
sunday driver: DSC_3584
sunday driver: DSC_3588
sunday driver: DSC_3590
sunday driver: DSC_3604
sunday driver: DSC_3605
sunday driver: DSC_3612
sunday driver: DSC_3613
sunday driver: DSC_3615
sunday driver: DSC_3617
sunday driver: DSC_3618