sunday driver: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
sunday driver: DSC_5374
sunday driver: The Tao of Relaxation
sunday driver: The Tao of Relaxation
sunday driver: two beds are better than one
sunday driver: DSC_5427
sunday driver: food limit reached, start sleep cycle
sunday driver: eats shoots and sleeps
sunday driver: The rule "don't shit where you sleep" does not apply to pandas
sunday driver: ahhhhhhhhh
sunday driver: *splash splash*
sunday driver: i have to admit, this is the life
sunday driver: DSC_5414
sunday driver: DSC_5377
sunday driver: breakfast in bed
sunday driver: panda makes tough decision
sunday driver: nom nom nom
sunday driver: DSC_5447
sunday driver: hey save some for me will ya
sunday driver: DSC_5359
sunday driver: DSC_5365
sunday driver: DSC_5368
sunday driver: DSC_5417
sunday driver: DSC_5412
sunday driver: DSC_5318