SUNA_PHOTOGRAPHY: Nepali squirrel running everywhere.
SUNA_PHOTOGRAPHY: Nepali squirrel running everywhere.
SUNA_PHOTOGRAPHY: Yak is having hot bathing on the river, Chitwon, Nepal.
SUNA_PHOTOGRAPHY: Never get too attached to anyone unless they also feel the same towards you, because one sided expectations can mentally destroy you.
SUNA_PHOTOGRAPHY: Beauty of natural sunlight reflection.
SUNA_PHOTOGRAPHY: I do morning walk and YOU try your balancing from the early morning.
SUNA_PHOTOGRAPHY: Shy little two couple birds.
SUNA_PHOTOGRAPHY: Kissing birds beautifully communicate and looking at each other.
SUNA_PHOTOGRAPHY: A hungry little street cat were waiting the table to be left alone-
SUNA_PHOTOGRAPHY: An eyecontact with a heart of mum's cat: somewhere rooftop on the streets.