Clyde's Pics: Doggy tug of war.
Clyde's Pics: Doggy Waves.
Clyde's Pics: Big meets small.
Clyde's Pics: Lotta Love Licks.
Clyde's Pics: Horses on the trail.
Clyde's Pics: Carrots the cat.
Clyde's Pics: What a cutie.
Clyde's Pics: Neck to Neck Race.
Clyde's Pics: Sheltland Sheepdog.
Clyde's Pics: That's for sticking my head in the snow.
Clyde's Pics: Wrestling Dogs.
Clyde's Pics: Bulldog Bullying his Bud for the Bluetoy
Clyde's Pics: Mini Lion.
Clyde's Pics: Wrestling dogs.
Clyde's Pics: Chasing for fun.
Clyde's Pics: Very cute pup.
Clyde's Pics: The Sarge.
Clyde's Pics: Mini Dalmations.
Clyde's Pics: Deer Whitemud crossing.
Clyde's Pics: 3 way Tug of War
Clyde's Pics: Crouching Tiger Hidden Rabbit
Clyde's Pics: Real Big Beaver
Clyde's Pics: Basset Hound coming to say hi.
Clyde's Pics: Private Dining.
Clyde's Pics: Look up, look way up.
Clyde's Pics: Maggie the Pot Bellied Pig
Clyde's Pics: Talk about keeping your eye on the ball.
Clyde's Pics: 2 Cuties.
Clyde's Pics: Garter Snake Hunting
Clyde's Pics: Garter snake giving me the eye.