The Cat's MeOM:
Den Window View
The Cat's MeOM:
Snowy View
The Cat's MeOM:
Snowflakes and Tinkerbell
The Cat's MeOM:
Remi Snow Watching
The Cat's MeOM:
Minnie Snow Watching
The Cat's MeOM:
Snowy Sunday Paper
The Cat's MeOM:
...Out to get the Sunday Newspaper
The Cat's MeOM:
Video: More snow in our backyard!
The Cat's MeOM:
The Cat's MeOM:
Snow Grid
The Cat's MeOM:
Remi and Sylvie
The Cat's MeOM:
Snowy Deck
The Cat's MeOM:
Snow Cherubs
The Cat's MeOM:
Snowy Table
The Cat's MeOM:
27 Degrees!
The Cat's MeOM:
Snowy Back Yard
The Cat's MeOM:
Snowy Front Yard
The Cat's MeOM:
Snowy Sunrise
The Cat's MeOM:
Snowmen and snow...
The Cat's MeOM:
Christmas and snow...
The Cat's MeOM:
Basket Remi
The Cat's MeOM:
Snowy House
The Cat's MeOM:
Driveway Snow
The Cat's MeOM:
Shoveling a Walkway
The Cat's MeOM:
Dueling Photographer
The Cat's MeOM:
Freezing Rain over Snow
The Cat's MeOM:
Photographer Kevin
The Cat's MeOM:
Ice and Snow Reflection
The Cat's MeOM:
Freezing Rain on the Window
The Cat's MeOM:
More Snow