Eric_Z: Autumn Reflection
Eric_Z: IMG_4400
Eric_Z: IMG_8867
Eric_Z: Blue sky meets white snow
Eric_Z: Cracks
Eric_Z: Ice on the Lake
Eric_Z: Busy Mom on Mother's Day
Eric_Z: Outdoor Gym Ground
Eric_Z: Urban Fishing
Eric_Z: Sunday in the Park - Go for the Goal
Eric_Z: Sunday in the Park - After Scoring
Eric_Z: Sunday in the Park
Eric_Z: Sunday in the Park - Towncentre Bikepark
Eric_Z: Sunday in the Park - Only Shadow on the Ground
Eric_Z: Sunday in The Park - Fight for the Ball
Eric_Z: Morning Daisy
Eric_Z: Early Signs of Autumn
Eric_Z: Early Signs of Autumn
Eric_Z: Early Signs of Autumn
Eric_Z: Early Signs of Autumn
Eric_Z: LaFarge Lake in the Morning
Eric_Z: Soccer - Action at the Park
Eric_Z: Serious Soccer Referee - Action at the Park
Eric_Z: Field Hocky - Action at the Park
Eric_Z: Field Hocky - Action at the Park
Eric_Z: Lacrosse - Action at the Park
Eric_Z: Icy Lake
Eric_Z: Winter View by the Lake
Eric_Z: Bald Eagle Landed on Thin Ice
Eric_Z: Bald Eagle - Patiently waiting for prey