Jennings David L: Wombat takes the plunge
Jennings David L: Safety watch at Kinetic Sculpture Race
Jennings David L: When Pigs Fly
Jennings David L: Pope mobile
Jennings David L: Road Trouble
Jennings David L: Pope mobile enters the water
Jennings David L: running with scissors
Jennings David L: Platypus in the water
Jennings David L: On lookers star power
Jennings David L: Kinetic hats
Jennings David L: Kinetic Sculpture Race 08
Jennings David L: Kinetic Sculpture Race 2008
Jennings David L: Kinetic Cop
Jennings David L: Kinetic Chicken
Jennings David L: Into the water
Jennings David L: In the water
Jennings David L: get ready
Jennings David L: Frog in Baltimore
Jennings David L: Frog by Andy Hershberger
Jennings David L: Fish Out of Water
Jennings David L: Fifi in the harbor
Jennings David L: Fiah Twuck by Make Believers team
Jennings David L: Fiah Twuck
Jennings David L: Baltimore Kinetic Race
Jennings David L: Dogs at Kinetic Race in Baltimore
Jennings David L: camras everywhere at Kinetic Race