wstera2: The Bolsheviks Promised Change Too
wstera2: Congress Pack Your Bags - You're going Home in 2010
wstera2: An Angry Mom is Worse than an Angry Mob
wstera2: This Teacher Gives Obamacare an F
wstera2: Don't Bite the Hand that Feeds You
wstera2: How can Democrats Stand up to Terrorists when they can't even Face Fox News
wstera2: If you're not Outraged you're Not Paying Taxes - Obama, Reid, Pelosi are the Axis of Taxes
wstera2: Señior Citizens get FREE Health Care - Senior Citizens can Drop DEAD
wstera2: Try Reading Some Legislation
wstera2: The Liberal Media is Professionally & Ethically Corrupt
wstera2: I have $9 Trillion Reasons to be Here
wstera2: Impeach Everybody
wstera2: Thanks! I'm Off the Sidelines - First Time Protestor
wstera2: Tea Party Crowd One Hour before the Rally Started
wstera2: Rooftop Cell Phone Image of Wash DC Tea Party
wstera2: Wow! Now that's a HUGE Crowd!
wstera2: National Park Service: 9/12 Tea Party demonstration a record DC turnout
wstera2: "Entitlement" is NOT in the Constitution!
wstera2: Tea Party in Wash DC
wstera2: Bankrupt America? YES WE CAN!!
wstera2: A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the socialist'
wstera2: Shot Taken about One Hour Before the March Began
wstera2: Excellent Tea Party Sign
wstera2: It's the Jobs STUPID!!
wstera2: Tea Party Movement
wstera2: Roger Ebert Typical Hollywood Elitist
wstera2: When Injustice Becomes Law
wstera2: Obamacare Makes Me SICK
wstera2: Madame Pelosio
wstera2: Tea Party Racist