sullian: A liquid that turns blood white
sullian: Water vortex
sullian: Childrens art table
sullian: One light bulb to run a smal fan
sullian: Liquified mobile
sullian: Coagulated blood
sullian: Steamer
sullian: Gold and silver mine
sullian: Forskningsdagene 2008
sullian: Switzerland
sullian: Coin in water with copper
sullian: Dance the hat down
sullian: Gyro
sullian: Tuut tuut
sullian: Hardest way to boil water. Energy consuming.
sullian: President wheels
sullian: Solar panels
sullian: Coin with copper
sullian: Coagulating substance added
sullian: Blood from a pig
sullian: There are more silver and gold in smal electronic devices together than in the mines
sullian: Smalsize model
sullian: Future food and gas