sullamand: Endor Furnace, IMG_4857.JPG
sullamand: Moratock Iron Furnace, IMG_1948.JPG
sullamand: Mount Torry Furnace, IMG_6591
sullamand: Remains of old Coke Furnace, IMG_6884
sullamand: Catherine Furnace, IMG_7073
sullamand: Unknown Furnace, IMG_7128
sullamand: Van Buren Furnace, IMG_7140
sullamand: Crack Whip Furnace, IMG_7186
sullamand: Capon Furnace, IMG_7189
sullamand: Liberty Furnace, IMG_7214
sullamand: May be Elizabeth Furnace, IMG_7310
sullamand: Roaring Run Furnace, IMG_9092
sullamand: Valley Furnace, IMG_2021
sullamand: Clarkville Iron Furnace, Tennessee, IMG_2505
sullamand: Catoctin Furnace Worker House, IMG_6015
sullamand: Catoctin Iron Furnace, IMG_6022
sullamand: Catoctin Iron Furnace, IMG_6027
sullamand: Pig Iron Mold at Catoctin Iron Furnace, IMG_6028
sullamand: Catoctin Manor Ruins, IMG_6036
sullamand: Endor Furnace Rehab, IMG_5409
sullamand: Stone Wall at Endor Furnace, IMG_5429
sullamand: Eagle Cliff Iron Furnace, IMG_7277