sugas: And this is my natural FLAT hair.
sugas: Testing Hollywood bumpit...
sugas: Testing out bumits. This one is the large bumpit ...
sugas: Ipods, 30gb 5th Gen, 120gb classic, nano..
sugas: My kitty has the biggest, fluffiest tail ever!
sugas: Such a hard life kitteh has. ;)
sugas: Mmmm!
sugas: Appetizers
sugas: Ready! Sushi, then going to school to get my ID :)
sugas: Harry is keeping me warm. *snuggles*
sugas: NKOTB come in the mail.. I couldn't find my old albums, so I HAD to buy this! Hehehe
sugas: My nails for now :)
sugas: Book!
sugas: Kitty
sugas: My kitty. He's already almost 11 lbs!! Am I overfeeding him? Or is he just gonna be a really big cat?
sugas: Yay car is fixed!
sugas: Arrangement for a colleague. His girlfriends bday today
sugas: Lol dessert is 1 handful
sugas: This is what the program looks like
sugas: Nutrisystem, day 5. Dinner and dessert. I've lost 4lbs already! I haven't noticed any changes yet though
sugas: My cuddle buddy. <3
sugas: Ugh, it's pouring rain. I hope it stops soon! My brakes scare me in the rain. Getting fixed today thankfully!!
sugas: Canada day celebrations! Heather and Shaun. Party befor the fireworks
sugas: CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS!!! Damn right. Sticking to the basics <3 Rum! :D
sugas: MJ forever!!!
sugas: Testing Flickr2Twitter
sugas: Day 2
sugas: Nutrisystem din din
sugas: 20 days worth of food
sugas: I got my package!