Jeannette Rose: middle of history
Jeannette Rose: continual flux
Jeannette Rose: keep your head up
Jeannette Rose: profound mystery
Jeannette Rose: noble in reason
Jeannette Rose: the paper stained everything it touched
Jeannette Rose: the beginning of things
Jeannette Rose: I feel it in my bones
Jeannette Rose: she thought there were no gods
Jeannette Rose: ode to a nightingale
Jeannette Rose: tear my yellow dress and cry and cry and cry
Jeannette Rose: 1/52 summer nights
Jeannette Rose: you are the only epics left in this world
Jeannette Rose: do you believe in witchcraft?
Jeannette Rose: unknown garden
Jeannette Rose: turning to stone
Jeannette Rose: 3/52 - forgotten places
Jeannette Rose: 2/52 city of silhouettes