skwrose: bye bye shanghai
skwrose: antique
skwrose: door in door
skwrose: after shower??
skwrose: open air corridor
skwrose: smoking area?!?
skwrose: lovely environment
skwrose: cheers^^
skwrose: we are a pair
skwrose: metal calligraphy
skwrose: chinese handcraft
skwrose: folk music instrument
skwrose: 西施豆腐
skwrose: soy bean products
skwrose: 閒人莫入
skwrose: hanging
skwrose: uniforms
skwrose: the wall
skwrose: purple sunday
skwrose: roses
skwrose: on the bund *4
skwrose: on the bund *3
skwrose: on the bund *2
skwrose: on the bund * 1
skwrose: thinking of you....
skwrose: quiet please
skwrose: make a wish
skwrose: when nobody is around
skwrose: when nobody is around
skwrose: my own universe