suerob: Bougainvillea in rain
suerob: Nairobi building
suerob: Great Rift Valley
suerob: Flamingos at dusk
suerob: Kenya Clouds at Sunset
suerob: View across Lake Naivasha from Elsamere
suerob: Dragonfly in the Elsamere garden
suerob: Swollen Thorn Acacia
suerob: Cactus Flower
suerob: Speckled Mousebird on Acacia
suerob: Kenya Grasshopper
suerob: Purple Swamphen on Lake Naivasha
suerob: Great White Pelican
suerob: Whiskered Tern against blue sky
suerob: Glossy Ibis juvenile
suerob: Juvenile Purple Heron on Lake Naivasha
suerob: Great Cormorant
suerob: Pelicans flying over Lake Naivasha
suerob: Whiskered Tern against cloud
suerob: Great White Pelicans
suerob: Defassa Waterbuck
suerob: Burchell's Zebra
suerob: Zebra and giraffe
suerob: Giraffe head shot
suerob: Mount Longonot
suerob: Augur Buzzard Record Shot
suerob: Woolly-necked Stork
suerob: Polly in Nyumbu tent at Kicheche
suerob: Fireball Lilies on the Masai Mara
suerob: Lion on the Masai Mara