suerob: Pink Feet
suerob: Hawfinch
suerob: Snowdrops at Lynford
suerob: Barn Owl flying
suerob: Barn Owl hunting
suerob: Barn Owl hunting closer
suerob: Norfolk reeds
suerob: Peter Black Sand, Snettisham
suerob: Remains of old jetty
suerob: Kestrel
suerob: Thornham Harbour
suerob: Lesser Yellowlegs
suerob: Geese coming in
suerob: Norfolk Sunset
suerob: Dawn over Wells-next-the-Sea
suerob: Dawn through rigging
suerob: Moon at Dawn
suerob: Black-eared Kite
suerob: Imagine a Golden Pheasant on the verge...
suerob: Barn Owl watching me
suerob: Here they come...
suerob: Overhead
suerob: Pink-feet landing
suerob: Peacock