suemoff: Bennett, one week old
suemoff: My family
suemoff: Checking out Dad
suemoff: Pugs make great pillows
suemoff: Bennett
suemoff: Putting Dad to sleep
suemoff: Yawn!
suemoff: Snuggling with Dad
suemoff: Comfy
suemoff: Julius!
suemoff: Content
suemoff: Deep Thoughts, by Bennett
suemoff: My boy
suemoff: Almost caught a smile on camera...
suemoff: Our little gnome
suemoff: Happy gnome
suemoff: Sound asleep
suemoff: Chubby cheeks
suemoff: Suspicious
suemoff: Conducting the invisible orchestra
suemoff: Hi, Dad
suemoff: New friends, monkey and elephant
suemoff: Playing
suemoff: Playing
suemoff: Dome
suemoff: Winky
suemoff: Inchworm
suemoff: Ready for a walk
suemoff: Tummy Time with Pug
suemoff: In the new stroller