suesthegrl: Cocktail du jour...
suesthegrl: Burrata (cheese of the Gods) w/ wild leek vinaigrette
suesthegrl: Springtime decor...
suesthegrl: The masters at work...
suesthegrl: White linens in the Wychwood Barns greenhouse
suesthegrl: Oil candles... (nice touch!)
suesthegrl: Prepping for a feast
suesthegrl: My gourmet partner in crime :)
suesthegrl: Ambiance
suesthegrl: Greenhouse seedlings
suesthegrl: An uninvited voyeur gets jealous...
suesthegrl: Testing out the iPhone fisheye
suesthegrl: Bertrand explains his app...
suesthegrl: Course #1
suesthegrl: Course #2
suesthegrl: Course #3
suesthegrl: Course #4
suesthegrl: Course #5
suesthegrl: The finale... kudos for another great event!