we saw it happen: the gentleman
we saw it happen: the gentleman
we saw it happen: apart | obstacles
we saw it happen: together | with the girls
we saw it happen: together | his and hers
we saw it happen: slight of hand
we saw it happen: the hair salon
we saw it happen: together | from the market
we saw it happen: the barber shop
we saw it happen: headscarf
we saw it happen: checking in
we saw it happen: man v. manhattan
we saw it happen: window shopping
we saw it happen: East Flastbush, 2014
we saw it happen: East Flatbush, 2014.
we saw it happen: Soho, 2014.
we saw it happen: "Uh, just a second, hon.."
we saw it happen: modern family
we saw it happen: Charli XCX
we saw it happen: Charli XCX
we saw it happen: Charli XCX
we saw it happen: at the end of the day, laughter
we saw it happen: child's play
we saw it happen: Kensington Market
we saw it happen: wit's end