soocee: Strange walls
soocee: Sloe and walls
soocee: Harebell
soocee: Portal tomb
soocee: Walls for miles
soocee: A klint
soocee: Bit late for playing
soocee: Guarding the coast
soocee: Old Seaweed Baths
soocee: Shed
soocee: Peat and more peat
soocee: Exit no 2
soocee: Path?
soocee: Ivy bound
soocee: Fuchsia and crocosmia path
soocee: Crocosmia and birches
soocee: On the way to Delphi
soocee: We're on the right track
soocee: Half cut peat
soocee: Peat and people
soocee: Past a farm
soocee: Lough Talt
soocee: Filing past
soocee: Farm
soocee: Elecricity Supply
soocee: Seaweed
soocee: Coastguard terrace
soocee: Drinking hut
soocee: Distinctive boat
soocee: Distinctive Boat in sun