SueBanks: I lurve Mickey
SueBanks: what's in there? is that ...ICE?
SueBanks: sitting on the little ottman in the kitchen
SueBanks: Cat relaxing in a yoga mat
SueBanks: tocks
SueBanks: clouseau.profile
SueBanks: I caught it!
SueBanks: looks sad...tastes fine
SueBanks: Cat relaxing on a TV table
SueBanks: playing with my camera strap
SueBanks: flat cat
SueBanks: Happy Birthday Clouseau!
SueBanks: maybe I'll have a bit of this sad basil
SueBanks: hmmm...what is that straw doing?
SueBanks: Jim thinks this picture makes Clouseau look huge
SueBanks: look at that paw
SueBanks: stretched under the chair
SueBanks: it's always a stand off with those two
SueBanks: Clouseau as little chef
SueBanks: I lurve this straw
SueBanks: Clouseau is STILL smaller than Tootsie
SueBanks: close up
SueBanks: look at those tocks!