SueBanks: Miss Katherine
SueBanks: Shannon and bourbon chocolate
SueBanks: view from the front window
SueBanks: salad
SueBanks: brownies
SueBanks: driving into the city
SueBanks: Shannon and art
SueBanks: Katherine and pocket animals
SueBanks: sign for the flatpack house
SueBanks: flatpack house
SueBanks: Shannon and finger stone
SueBanks: Katherine running
SueBanks: BAM! Here she is
SueBanks: looking at the map
SueBanks: playing on the structures
SueBanks: people kept climbing this but the signs said don't climb
SueBanks: determined Katherine
SueBanks: MN has beautiful gardens
SueBanks: Shannon and Lori
SueBanks: Lori and Katherine talk moths
SueBanks: Mom and daughter
SueBanks: on the balance board
SueBanks: Lori and Katherine on the balance board
SueBanks: cubes
SueBanks: horse in bronze
SueBanks: Prometheus
SueBanks: Katherine and Shannon
SueBanks: little pocket animals
SueBanks: pocket animals on Shannon
SueBanks: pocket animals on Katherine