sueandandyj56: All the buildings fit to photo
sueandandyj56: Broadway
sueandandyj56: Touristy photo on Broadway
sueandandyj56: DSC03053
sueandandyj56: Banners and matching t-shirts were the order of the day
sueandandyj56: They came from all parts of Brooklyn
sueandandyj56: Israel day parade down 5th Avenue
sueandandyj56: Opportunistic woman selling Israeli flags for the parade
sueandandyj56: It's a struggle
sueandandyj56: Of course Sue is totally used to a body like this
sueandandyj56: I hated it...Give me a steak any day of the week
sueandandyj56: She loved it...
sueandandyj56: Hold me back I can't wait
sueandandyj56: Sue enjoying some heavy duty organic vegetarian food
sueandandyj56: There are loads of them and they don't seem to lose too often
sueandandyj56: Chess hustler in the Square
sueandandyj56: Chinese one string guitar as tuneless in NY as it is in Shanghai
sueandandyj56: Nice sounds for a sunday afternoon
sueandandyj56: Binocular woman
sueandandyj56: Large horse size dog in Washington Square
sueandandyj56: Sunday afternoon in Washington Square
sueandandyj56: Flowers in Washington Sq
sueandandyj56: Interesting building on Mercer St
sueandandyj56: It used to be plain old TV dinners but now convenience food for one has gone HD
sueandandyj56: Andy Warhol statue
sueandandyj56: Statue of a garment worker on Fashion Avenue