Sue70: Rynek (Town Square)
Sue70: Wroclaw Town Hall
Sue70: Town Hall Clock Tower
Sue70: Gnomes Around the City
Sue70: Wroclaw Gnome
Sue70: Religious Architecture
Sue70: University Area
Sue70: Wroclaw University
Sue70: Across the River
Sue70: Ostrow Tumski
Sue70: Under the Arch
Sue70: Heading to the Cathedral
Sue70: Church of the Holy Cross and of St. Bartholomew
Sue70: Holy Man
Sue70: Cathedral Jana Chrzciciela
Sue70: Mother and Child Reunion
Sue70: Yellow Cathedral
Sue70: Guarding the Corner
Sue70: Gack!
Sue70: Sunshine
Sue70: Pillar Design
Sue70: Colourful Figures
Sue70: Most (Bridge) Grunwaldski
Sue70: Dragon Drainpipe
Sue70: Beyond the River
Sue70: Bird's Eye of Wroclaw
Sue70: Wroclaw From Atop the Tower
Sue70: From Above
Sue70: Funky Grille
Sue70: Can You See Them?