Sue70: Block of Houses
Sue70: Row Upon Row
Sue70: Remembering
Sue70: Thousands of Stones
Sue70: Library of Congress
Sue70: Main Floor
Sue70: Climb to the Portrait
Sue70: Looking Up in the Library
Sue70: Pillars of Congress
Sue70: Stairway to Information
Sue70: Library of Congress Interior
Sue70: Six Squares
Sue70: Ceiling View
Sue70: Flame-Topped Tower
Sue70: Reflection of the Capitol
Sue70: Washington's Capitol
Sue70: Through the Peephole
Sue70: Golden Flame
Sue70: Statue of Freedom
Sue70: House Pediment, Capitol Building
Sue70: Senate Pediment, Capitol Building
Sue70: Center Pediment, Capitol Building
Sue70: Capitol Dome
Sue70: Old Senate Chamber
Sue70: Curvy Capitol
Sue70: Funky Ceiling Curves
Sue70: Columned Hallway
Sue70: Studying the Statues of the States
Sue70: Time on her Hands
Sue70: Dangling Lights