Sue70: Old Mill Station
Sue70: Before and After the Rainstorm
Sue70: Janet and Chris
Sue70: TPMG @ Billy Bob's
Sue70: Piggybacking with TPMG
Sue70: High Park Flowers
Sue70: Is that a Smile I See?
Sue70: High Park
Sue70: Gargoyles
Sue70: Gargoyle
Sue70: Here Comes the Sun
Sue70: Meagre Picnic
Sue70: Under My Umbrella, ella, ella
Sue70: Saviour
Sue70: Red-Winged Blackbird
Sue70: Beware of Falling Objects!
Sue70: Canada Malting
Sue70: Ireland Park Wall of Names
Sue70: Irish Famine Statue
Sue70: Ireland Park
Sue70: In Awe of the Tower
Sue70: Penny Necklace
Sue70: Famine
Sue70: Hungry
Sue70: Desperation
Sue70: Sadness
Sue70: Dewdrops
Sue70: Climbing to the Sky
Sue70: Butterfly Feast
Sue70: Getting a Small Snack