Sue323 :-): syrphidae
Sue323 :-): syrphidae
Sue323 :-): hoverfly
Sue323 :-): on an orange petal
Sue323 :-): on a lily
Sue323 :-): look into my eyes..
Sue323 :-): hoverfly
Sue323 :-): Dronefly
Sue323 :-): hoverfly
Sue323 :-): hoverflies
Sue323 :-): hoverfly
Sue323 :-): in the middle of something
Sue323 :-): pollen time
Sue323 :-): Confrontation
Sue323 :-): Hoverfly on a wildflower
Sue323 :-): another hoverfly...
Sue323 :-): hoverfly in flight
Sue323 :-): hoverfly on a tulip
Sue323 :-): Kapit sa patalim
Sue323 :-): A bright destination
Sue323 :-): captured in flight
Sue323 :-): Off to the next destination
Sue323 :-): Seconds before touchdown
Sue323 :-): Crossing the border
Sue323 :-): Ready or not, here I come!
Sue323 :-): Snack time!
Sue323 :-): A praying hoverfly?
Sue323 :-): in your face!
Sue323 :-): Back to busyness
Sue323 :-): Push my button, babe