Sue323 :-): Shield bug
Sue323 :-): colourful shield bug
Sue323 :-): shield bug
Sue323 :-): green bug
Sue323 :-): Squash bug
Sue323 :-): relaxing on a petal
Sue323 :-): Sloe bug
Sue323 :-): stalked
Sue323 :-): squash bug
Sue323 :-): living on the edge
Sue323 :-): squash bug
Sue323 :-): spined shield bug
Sue323 :-): Birch shield bug
Sue323 :-): No way but up
Sue323 :-): Call me colourful
Sue323 :-): shield bug
Sue323 :-): mating shield bugs
Sue323 :-): spined shield bugs 2
Sue323 :-): Sloe bug
Sue323 :-): Spined shield bug
Sue323 :-): greenie
Sue323 :-): Red-orange bug
Sue323 :-): Pollen is yellower on the other side
Sue323 :-): Stepping down
Sue323 :-): I almost ate this!
Sue323 :-): Pollen is yellower on the other side~Happy bug Wednesday!!
Sue323 :-): Shield bug
Sue323 :-): Awaiting
Sue323 :-): once upon a summer
Sue323 :-): birch shield bug