sudeepgohil: First photo - 0448 16/09/08
sudeepgohil: IMG_0310.JPG
sudeepgohil: IMG_0311.JPG
sudeepgohil: IMG_0316.JPG
sudeepgohil: Happy mum with Leela
sudeepgohil: IMG_0329.JPG
sudeepgohil: IMG_0330.JPG
sudeepgohil: Leela & mum asleep
sudeepgohil: IMG_0332.JPG
sudeepgohil: Leela just like dad
sudeepgohil: IMG_0334.JPG
sudeepgohil: IMG_0336.JPG
sudeepgohil: IMG_0337.JPG
sudeepgohil: IMG_0338.JPG
sudeepgohil: IMG_0340.JPG
sudeepgohil: Relaxed and refreshed
sudeepgohil: IMG_0343.JPG
sudeepgohil: IMG_0344.JPG
sudeepgohil: Dad and sleeping Leela
sudeepgohil: IMG_0346.JPG
sudeepgohil: Hyper colour baby!
sudeepgohil: IMG_0349.JPG
sudeepgohil: Happy post feed
sudeepgohil: IMG_0351.JPG
sudeepgohil: IMG_0352.JPG
sudeepgohil: Thanks to Pollinate for this outfit