sucktastic: living room
sucktastic: pocket door detail
sucktastic: first floor pocket doors
sucktastic: living room
sucktastic: pocket door detail
sucktastic: dining room
sucktastic: dining room
sucktastic: dining room doorway
sucktastic: dining room closet
sucktastic: breakfast nook
sucktastic: nook closet
sucktastic: breakfast nook & kitchen
sucktastic: kitchen
sucktastic: kitchen
sucktastic: kitchen pantry
sucktastic: backyard
sucktastic: first floor hallway
sucktastic: first floor bathroom
sucktastic: first floor shower
sucktastic: coat closet
sucktastic: front door(s)!
sucktastic: stairs
sucktastic: top of the stairs
sucktastic: office door
sucktastic: office
sucktastic: second floor balcony
sucktastic: spare room
sucktastic: fireplace
sucktastic: spare bedroom? craft room? room of awesomeness?
sucktastic: master bedroom