Matthew Benjamin Coleman: St Giles' Circus
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: St Giles' Circus
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Hampstead Heath Dog 1
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Hampstead Heath Dog 2
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Kingsway Tramway Subway
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Thomas Henry Wyatt
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Thomas Henry Wyatt
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Thornhaugh Street
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Lytton Strachey
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Bloomsbury Group
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: John Maynard Keynes
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Hugh Price Hughes
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: London School of Tropical Medicine and the Hospital for Tropical Diseases
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Central Saint Giles
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Earnshaw Street
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: New Compton Street
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Central Saint Giles
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: The Art Workers Guild
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Southampton Row
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Square the Block
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Square the Block
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Square the Block
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: British Library
Matthew Benjamin Coleman: Brunswick Centre