submute: Jason bearing hats
submute: Angela, totally excited about the baseball game
submute: Harper looking shy!
submute: Harper looking curious
submute: Mom and Harper getting ready
submute: Pulling up to Dodger Stadium
submute: Dad and Harper getting ready for some baseball
submute: Number one fan
submute: Let's go Dodgers!
submute: Blue skies, palm trees, Dodger Stadium
submute: Dodgers!
submute: Fans at the gate
submute: Left field scoreboard
submute: Happy gang! (mostly!)
submute: Dad and Harper at the game
submute: Totally excited Harper, newly anointed Manny Ramirez superfan
submute: I cannot believe he tried to steal third with two outs!
submute: Angela and Harper (notice the screaming fan behind)
submute: Dodgers do indeed welcome
submute: THINK BLUE!