submute: cursin' and golfin'
submute: Children's literature
submute: The proud father and the three month old
submute: Me and the three month old, who would not sit still, and thus explains the blur
submute: Archer! Rocking out, eternally!
submute: Dad and daughter, thoughtful
submute: The collection of family photographs upon the refrigerator
submute: Sharon & mom making the fixings
submute: Uncle Lang and Archer catching fish, passing time
submute: A theme of the weekend
submute: Carter! Looking suspicious
submute: Sharon trying to avoid the camera
submute: Archer mugging for the camera
submute: I cannot believe it!
submute: Just a tad frustrated!
submute: Pictures of pictures of pictures
submute: Curious Eddie
submute: Two generations
submute: Pre-dinner table
submute: Burp? Burp!
submute: The family comes together over dinner
submute: O RLY?
submute: O RLY? pt. 2
submute: Sharon smilin'
submute: Maggie mae
submute: Sharon: O RLY?
submute: Lang through the looking glass
submute: Carter, sorta looking pensive
submute: Mike's had just about enough of you
submute: Sharon