nsfmc: late night snacks
nsfmc: it was a long day
nsfmc: a fun mural
nsfmc: the car that didn't make it out in time
nsfmc: street cart with jello
nsfmc: balloons!
nsfmc: another jello stand
nsfmc: crazy dude with toy gun
nsfmc: dusk
nsfmc: overturned barricades
nsfmc: Maybe we should leave
nsfmc: looking back
nsfmc: still going
nsfmc: the smoke was pretty violent
nsfmc: view from cathedral
nsfmc: a truck was firebombed
nsfmc: bench damage
nsfmc: taking in the view
nsfmc: damage near the cathedral
nsfmc: where's that smoke coming from?
nsfmc: stone damage
nsfmc: a bad day for sandals
nsfmc: cracked molding
nsfmc: approaching the cathedral
nsfmc: DSC_0138
nsfmc: the scotiabank didn't do so well
nsfmc: smoldering remains
nsfmc: DSC_0132
nsfmc: a maze of twisty little passages, all alike
nsfmc: empty market