nsfmc: jeshurun hides
nsfmc: this is a pole and that was it
nsfmc: hello, huy!
nsfmc: tiffany looks at huy
nsfmc: rob talks
nsfmc: alp blinds me
nsfmc: huy talks on the phone
nsfmc: michael enjoys a drink
nsfmc: we stare in awe at the bofa zigurrat
nsfmc: hello, doug!
nsfmc: bright light
nsfmc: posturing
nsfmc: awe and amazement
nsfmc: DSC_2105
nsfmc: hannah
nsfmc: DSC_2096
nsfmc: namoo hides from the camera
nsfmc: what's the matter, taylor?!
nsfmc: DSC_2085
nsfmc: these two are pissed off at me
nsfmc: jae is like a velociraptor
nsfmc: DSC_2074
nsfmc: DSC_2072
nsfmc: DSC_2070
nsfmc: DSC_2063
nsfmc: DSC_2058
nsfmc: DSC_2054
nsfmc: DSC_2052
nsfmc: oh lauren
nsfmc: DSC_2035