nsfmc: jae doing something on his laptop
nsfmc: computer fans
nsfmc: when the floor and ceiling are mirrored, the games appear fascist-tall
nsfmc: hello, taylor!
nsfmc: hello, michelle!
nsfmc: mirrors mirrors everywhere
nsfmc: whack a mole sketch
nsfmc: jambi the genie
nsfmc: a little crd, a little eli cash
nsfmc: fake trees
nsfmc: red room... over there
nsfmc: DSC_5579
nsfmc: DSC_5577
nsfmc: DSC_5576
nsfmc: a dude sitting on some cork
nsfmc: DSC_5573
nsfmc: DSC_5572
nsfmc: DSC_5571
nsfmc: from above
nsfmc: DSC_5455
nsfmc: DSC_5454
nsfmc: DSC_5453
nsfmc: DSC_5452
nsfmc: DSC_5448
nsfmc: paper airplane raid
nsfmc: some cut canvas
nsfmc: some threaded canvas
nsfmc: elise decides to look at me
nsfmc: lindsay's resin can
nsfmc: there is a key embedded in the top