nsfmc: mary galloped to me
nsfmc: melissa loves goofing off for the camera
nsfmc: eleanor ponders
nsfmc: hi matt!
nsfmc: jess went to cmu
nsfmc: erika sits at my old desk
nsfmc: these bottles are soooo popular!
nsfmc: nancy introduces herself
nsfmc: coffee time!
nsfmc: DSC_4035
nsfmc: mary sees the light
nsfmc: taylor smiles at me here
nsfmc: oh no you didn'
nsfmc: what have we here!?!
nsfmc: heather hid this in my tea before the start of the summer
nsfmc: DSC_4061
nsfmc: DSC_4062
nsfmc: DSC_4059
nsfmc: DSC_4064
nsfmc: DSC_4066
nsfmc: these used to be mine
nsfmc: lynn looks for a thread
nsfmc: DSC_4071
nsfmc: hope rearranges
nsfmc: design all over the floor
nsfmc: oh memories
nsfmc: the black things are 'cropping frames'
nsfmc: lots of cut up magazines
nsfmc: jae makes a long collage
nsfmc: taylor crops with green tape