nsfmc: DSC_1546.JPG
nsfmc: monument crossing street
nsfmc: the drumming got my attention
nsfmc: waiting for the monument
nsfmc: great hair
nsfmc: jesus and the burning bush
nsfmc: smile!
nsfmc: DSC_4103.jpg
nsfmc: IMG_1674.JPG
nsfmc: filling out job application
nsfmc: DSC_4137.jpg
nsfmc: DSC_5373.jpg
nsfmc: no riding this bus unless you're jesus
nsfmc: sullivan station is under i-93
nsfmc: DSC_5957.jpg
nsfmc: DSC_5955.jpg
nsfmc: DSC_5944.jpg
nsfmc: two logos, both alike in dignity, in fair somerville...
nsfmc: low down
nsfmc: DSC_6236.jpg
nsfmc: DSC_6228.jpg
nsfmc: DSC_6003.jpg
nsfmc: IMG_2605.JPG