sublimation hour: I'm the cat in the box.
sublimation hour: Oh hey, I'm a cat and I'm in a box.
sublimation hour: ghostly lady
sublimation hour: fortune teller bag
sublimation hour: crafting away the Hurricane Crazies, part 2
sublimation hour: crafting keeps the Hurricane Crazies away
sublimation hour: rolled paper flower bouquet
sublimation hour: Beta amidst the boxes
sublimation hour: the end of Napoleon
sublimation hour: a rainy spring evening in Oakland
sublimation hour: The Paramount in Oakland, CA
sublimation hour: Plum Bar in Oakland
sublimation hour: the ceiling of the Paramount
sublimation hour: the ceiling of the Paramount
sublimation hour: "Always the best show in town"
sublimation hour: Cafe Zoetrope in San Francisco
sublimation hour: Vesuvio in San Francisco
sublimation hour: City Lights in San Francisco
sublimation hour: City Lights
sublimation hour: gigantic burrito
sublimation hour: what happens after spending time with Jonah's cousin, who is a photographer
sublimation hour: in the weeds
sublimation hour: we did not actually go inside the Walt Disney Family Museum