SubiYurek: RIMG0006_Party members waiting to start
SubiYurek: RIMG0028 Group photo after the party
SubiYurek: RIMG0027_Group photo after the party (1)
SubiYurek: RIMG0025_Ai's foot
SubiYurek: RIMG0024_Daisuke's foot
SubiYurek: RIMG0023_Discussion about feet
SubiYurek: RIMG0022_Warita-san is highly amused
SubiYurek: RIMG0021_Yurek's birthday party group in Japan
SubiYurek: RIMG0020_The original 3rd floor crew that have remained
SubiYurek: RIMG0016_Couldn't blow out all the candles
SubiYurek: RIMG0015_ Blow out your candles old boy
SubiYurek: RIMG0014_Chocolate Birthday cake
SubiYurek: RIMG0013_Yakatori sizzling
SubiYurek: RIMG0010_Sea slug removed from shell. Yum yums