S.A.R.K.A.R: Pensive...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Independence Day fervor continues...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Let's dance...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Colors...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Colors again...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Caught in the act...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Color blast...
S.A.R.K.A.R: You kept chirping, I kept clicking... :D
S.A.R.K.A.R: Henna Tattoo...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Chaos, and yet...
S.A.R.K.A.R: The holy flame...
S.A.R.K.A.R: And your eyes mesmerize always...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Continue playing with lights...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Everyone's returning home...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Minimalism...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Night and Day!
S.A.R.K.A.R: Beaming with pride!
S.A.R.K.A.R: Another just like that...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Another photo art!
S.A.R.K.A.R: It's official! We have a cat in the house! 😺
S.A.R.K.A.R: Heaven! :'(
S.A.R.K.A.R: As bright as sunshine!
S.A.R.K.A.R: Moments after the rain...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Not that Wanaka Tree!
S.A.R.K.A.R: Game of shadows...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Let there be peace...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Gold from the golden hour...
S.A.R.K.A.R: Enjoy...