scroy65: L1020629_Nik-1_DxO
scroy65: Drainpipe and water droplets
scroy65: Going out for a drink
scroy65: Enjoying a drink
scroy65: Vodka Martini
scroy65: Chuba
scroy65: Aloke and Paulak
scroy65: Milkweed Pods
scroy65: Walking to and from the Meiji Shrine
scroy65: Sailboats in the harbor with the Alps in the background - Lausanne, Ouchy
scroy65: Evening - Wooden Shoe Tulip farm
scroy65: Dr. Joydeb Kumar Roy
scroy65: Bench on an old hiking path
scroy65: Grand Central Terminal One Second Exposure
scroy65: Boston
scroy65: Bethesda Metro Station
scroy65: Studying
scroy65: Bee pollinating Mallow and beetles
scroy65: Transept - St. Vitus Cathedral
scroy65: Aftermath - Battle of Lexington - Shot heard Round the World
scroy65: Re-enactment of the Battle of Lexington - "The Shot Heard Round The World"